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Privacy Policy

Privacy and Personal Information

Furnitr is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals' personal information. Furnitr is bound by the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) in relation to its management of personal information of Australian citizens and permanent residents. Furnitr will only collect personal information through this website and use, disclose and store that personal information in accordance with the Act and this Privacy Statement. ‘Personal information’ means information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about a person whose identity is apparent, or can be reasonably ascertained, from the information or opinion.

Collection of Personal Information

Furnitr may, from time to time, collect and use personal information. The types of personal information Furnitr collects from you depends upon how you use this website, emails we send you and via the online enquiry form. Generally speaking, however, Furnitr may collect and store any personal information which you enter into the website or which relates to your use of the website and/or emails we send you.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Furnitr will not disclose personal information about you collected through the website to third parties except:

  • Where third parties appointed by Furnitr require access to personal information held by Furnitr to perform services (in these cases, Furnitr requires these contractors to keep that personal information confidential and not to use or disclose it for any purpose other than the purpose of performing those services);
  • Within the Group in accordance with the law;
  • Where Furnitr is required or authorised by law to disclose personal information, for example to law enforcement agencies; or with your consent.

Access to Your Personal Information

You may seek access to personal information which Furnitr holds about you and Furnitr will provide access to that information in accordance with the Act. There are certain exemptions which may apply to the provision of that information. Furnitr may charge an administration fee for granting access to information. To request access to personal information, contact us at the address set out below.

Other Issues

The website contains links to other sites. With the exception of other sites owned by Furnitr, Furnitr does not control the privacy practices or policies of sites reached through links from this website. If you have any questions about the privacy practices and policies of those sites then you should contact the companies controlling those sites directly. From time to time, this website may store cookies on your computer, obtain web browser details and IP addresses. You should be aware than any personal information you disclose on this website becomes public information, and may be collected and used by others. This may result, for example, in you receiving unsolicited messages from other parties. Nothing in this Privacy Statement guarantees that Furnitr will collect or store personal information or other information about you and your use of this website. You are responsible for keeping your own records relating to your use of the website and any transactions conducted via it, and for complying with any applicable record keeping legislation.

Contact Details

Furnitr only uses your personal information for specific purposes. The information you provide will be kept confidential and used to support your relationship with Furnitr.

You can opt out of receiving further marketing material from Furnitr at anytime. If you'd prefer not to receive correspondence or have any questions or concerns, please contact us stating that you do not wish to receive any further correspondence from Furnitr.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, please contact us.